Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Use Of Alcohol By Adolescents Health And Social Care Essay

This papers chiefly contains the inside informations of the intoxicant usage among the grownups and it besides contains the cultural, ethical, economical facets of intoxicant usage by the underage childs. It discusses in item different schemes to command intoxicant usage among striplings and it besides the possible positive and negative results of the scheme adopted. Furthermore It discusses the composite scheme for intoxicant control.Rearing manners and usage of intoxicant by the striplingsThe households of about four 1000 of under 18 old ages old kids were teamed into four groups ( of which two groups were more important, one was indulgent, other was inattentive ) .These groups were formulated on the footing of the kids evaluations of their parents in two types: acceptance/involvement and strictness/supervision. The childs were so allocated into following sets of consequences: psychosocial advancement, internalized hurt, school achievement and job public presentation. Results sugge st that kids who consider their parents as more of undemocratic ( important ) are good in psychosocial competency and worst in psychological and behavioral disfunction ; the wholly opposite is the instance for kids who accept their parents as inattentive. Adolescents whose parents are characterized as autocratic are more submissive and more obedient but have comparatively less self-conceptions as comparison to other childs. However, kids from indulgent places have more assurance but have a higher frequence of substance abuse, have bad behavior and are less engaged in school. ( sussie D.Lamborn, 1991 ) The nexus between rearing manner and kids intoxicant and other alcohols use, means intoxicant and baccy usage, was observed at the same time ( at age 14 ) for licit drug usage and longitudinally ( from age 14 to 17 ) for both licit and illicit drug usage in a group of 347 young person who were tested from schools in Reykjavik, Iceland. Results verified that kids who are of the position that their parents are more of control of them were able to predate intoxicant and were protected from intoxicant than the kids who consider their parents as inattentive. ( Sugrun Adalbjarnardottir, 2001 )Disadvantages of intoxicant usage by adolescentsThe diseases that could go on due to intoxicants are pancreatic, liver harm, and actual shrinking, certain malignant neoplastic diseases of the encephalon. There are besides multiple short-run hazards are associated with the usage of intoxicant among adolescents but the professionals are concerned about crisp rise in adolescent intoxicant maltreatment an d the possible negative wellness effects. Harmonizing to describe issued by the British medical association entitled â€Å" Alcohol and Young people † there was a uninterrupted addition among the11 to 15 old ages old kids who drink alcohol day-to-day, but there is an addition in the sum they are imbibing on each juncture.Effectss on encephalon developmentResearch workers besides believe that during the adolescent age organic structure passes through important alterations. It is a clip when immature people start to associate them more with friends and leave their childhood contacts beyond. They want to set them in the societal environment. Exposing the encephalon to alcohol during this period may set an obstruction to of import procedures of encephalon development can do cognitive harm or farther imbibing. More intoxicant at one clip could do in a sickness emesis, reeling, dual vision, and an feeling of the room spinning. Harmonizing to one study issued by US authorities, named Prevention Alert and adolescent intoxicant maltreatment indicated many disadvantages â€Å" Subtle alcohol-induced stripling acquisition damages could damage occupational and academic advancement. In one survey, short term memory accomplishments were evaluated in those striplings who use intoxicant and who do non between the ages of 15 and 16. Those childs who were in greater usage of intoxicant were enduring from memory jobs. ( Adolescent Drug Abuse ) . Many surveies highlighted that memory jobs were most common among heavy users of intoxicant. There are other annihilating effects for striplings who get downing utilizing intoxicant in the early age. It is found that those who use intoxicant under the age of 15 have more opportunities of going once more the user of intoxicant in ulterior portion of their life. Apart from the fact that minor imbibing is against the jurisprudence, it poses a great danger to both the society and single. We will discourse some of the effects of adolescent intoxicant maltreatment.Accidents due to AlcoholMost of the study shows that rate of serious accidents due to alcohol drivers who aged 15 to twenty is twice the rate by intoxicant involved drivers of age 20 one and older ( Adolescent Drug Abuse )SuicideAlcohol normally causes emphasis and depression, which finally causes self-destruction. In one study, it was mentioned that 30 seven per cent of 8th grade misss who drank in big sum tried self-destruction, compared with 11 per cent who did non take intoxicant.Immoral activitiesIn one study about 10 per cent of female high school, pupils reported holding been raped. Research suggests that intoxicant usage largely increase the opportunities of sexual assault by a male. ( Adolescent Drug Abuse )When Alcohol imbibing does happenMost of the striplings, that were int erviewed, were of the position that imbibing occurs most of the clip of depression, anxiousness or to be made them socially acceptable. It has besides been observed that striplings were besides involved in heavy imbibing due to easy entree of intoxicant.Social alteration theoriesMany theories have been presented to protect striplings from utilizing alcohol some of the societal theories are discussed here:Social acquisition theoryThis theory suggests a squad attack for bar against alcohal among persons, communities and households. Team plays a critical function in learning kids to predate the usage of intoxicant ( E M Johnson ) .Development theoryYoung individuals are given self assurance and are motivated to accomplish something in their single community functions so that they are motivated to accomplish something for illustration as a rugger participant etcBehaviour theoryIt focuses more on single and made them recognize that societal norms are really of import and actuate them to predate the usage of intoxicant. ( E M Johnson )Social development theoryIn this theory, positive societal programmes are created which motivate persons to predate usage of intoxicant. ( E M Johnson )Health behavior theoryHealth behavior theory is the based on a individual ‘s Behaviour for bar strategies.. ( E M Johnson )Cognitive disagreement theoryThis theory proposes verbal intervention to set up or strength beliefs and attitudes, assisting immature individual to avoid imbibingHow psychologists can assist to better the job of intoxicant usage among adolescentA psychologist can help th e individual in heightening its motive to predate imbibing A psychologist can handle by measuring the type and badness of intoxicant jobs. This appraisal can supply usher to the drinker about what intervention to follow and assist to actuate the drinker to acquire intervention. Psychologists developed a figure of therapies, some of which are motivational sweetening theory and cognitive-behavioural header theory. These interventions provide 12 Step aid attacks that assist those enduring alcohol related jobs in utilizing self-treatment plans such as Alcoholics Anonymous ( AA ) . These treatement can supply aid to heighten their will power and steer them to halt imbibing, place fortunes that pushes single to get down imbibing, absorb new methods to get the better of extremely risky intoxicant dosage, and develop societal support systems within their societal environment. Some of the cognitive-behavioural analysis found that 50 eight per cent of patients having cognitive-behavioural intervention were far better than other groups. Programs such as Alcoholic Anonymous greatly increased participants ‘ will of halting them from intoxicant. Mostly persons utilizing intoxicant suffer from other mental wellness conditions, such as terrible depression and anxiousness. Psychologists can supply counsel to those patients who are enduring from such sort of diseases. ( Patrick ) Psychologists can besides supply group and household therapies, which frequently are helpful for set uping person-to-person relationships and for work outing jobs of imbibing over the long period. Family relationships pose greater impact on imbibing behavior, for illustration, a kid may affect in imbibing due to careless attitude of parents. The psychologist can assist the drinker and others to go through successfully through these complex phases, aid households to understand job of imbibing and larn how to help household members in recovery, and to seek aid from ego aid groups. ( Prilleltensky.Isaac ) Because a individual may return to imbibing wont, it can be important to hold a sure psychologist. If the drinker is unable to decide intoxicant jobs to the full, a psychologist can assist him with cut downing intoxicant usage and minimising jobs. Psychologists can besides mention a individual to self-help groups. Even after formal intervention terminals, many people continue to seek aid from such groups. Alcohol-related upsets badly amendss working of different organic structure parts like liver, bosom etc. However, the chances for successful long-run job solution are good for people who seek aid from appropriate beginnings. ( American Psychologists Association, 2012 )How the economic experts ameliorate the job of intoxicant usageEconomicss ever contribute vitally to the preparation of intoxicant policy. It operates by specifying and comparing costs and benefits of intoxicant ingestion and related policy intercessions, including excise revenue enhancements. The by and large it is found that people used to take less intoxicant when intoxicant monetary values are high. Monetary value degrees, including excise revenue enhancements, are good tool at commanding intoxicant ingestion. Raising excise revenue enhancements would be in the involvement of society. Economic steps such as monetary value hiking can be helpful in cut downing intoxicant maltreatment and bettering public wellness. Economicss chiefly operates through analysis of cost benefit analysis, nevertheless economic sciences can non run entirely and balance has to be maintained between society good being and single autonomy.Consumption FormsIn united provinces of America Wine, beer all contain ethyl intoxicant in differing sums. A standard drink consists of 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine each of which has about the same sum of ethyl alcohol ( about 0.6 ounces ) . Consumption of ethyl alcohol per individual ( age 14 and over ) increased in early 80 ‘s, and it was about two drinks per twenty-four hours. Average ingestion has declined since so by more than twenty per centum. It was all due addition in monetary values. ( America ) The National Household Survey on Drug Abuse in 1996 worked out that 60 five per centum of grownups had at least one drink during the last 12 months, while 50 per centum drank during the last month. The happening of self-reported imbibing lessenings in in-between age and is much lower for adult females than for work forces. ( J.Moore )Demand for Alcoholic Beverages due to Economicss stepsOne thing that economic experts agree on is that if the monetary value of a trade good is increased, the measure purchased and consumed will diminish, other things being equal. Legal limitations, cultural norms, and regulations imposed by employers and other private organisations on where and when intoxicant can be consumed are all relevant. ( J.Moore )Proposed action for commanding imbibing among grownupsSome Research workers have established semi-structured interviews that provide valid and attested appraisals of intoxicant ingestion and its related intoxicant jobs. ( S.C.Carr F. B. ) These schemes help research workers to measure the graduated table of assorted alcohol-related jobs among college and non-college individuals and to measure their frequence. These schemes help research workers to analyze how alcohol-related jobs fluctuate in reaction to general population tendency, intoxicant bar and plans and new Torahs and policies. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 ) There are several other attacks, which mostly rely upon the psychological science of persons and demands cognitive therapies. Inner desires of persons of which they are normally incognizant frequently influence behavioral picks. Research in neuroscience and cognitive psychological science has significantly enhanced the capacity to measure the on the topographic point decision-making. Recently, this cognition has been applied to the job of college imbibing. As a consequence, contrivers are planing bar plans that do non presume that every pick college pupils make has been carefully considered before they are implemented. To suggest one action is hard because it would non be effectual so I would wish to advert the hierarchy of action that can be helpful. These are discussed below.Tier 1 scheme ( Based on inquirers given to pupils )Using combination of cognitive-behavioural accomplishments and motivational sweetening intercessions.Cognitive-behavioural accomplishments strives to change an person ‘s operative beliefs and believing about the usage of intoxicant through procedures such as changing anticipations about intoxicant ‘s effects, entering day-to-day intoxicant ingestion, and larning to get the better of emphasis. Norms or values play a critical function in make up one's minding the behavior of the individual in college and universities and if its norms and values are strong so he would be able to command himself and predate the intoxicant usage. It besides depends on the how strongly the values respond to the usage of intoxicant in the society if it reacts strongly the person would surely abstain himself from intoxicant usage. On the other manus, motivational sweetening is actuate the persons from inside so that they can go forth the intoxicant usage. Motivational theories chiefly concentrate on the person because this theory believes that persons are entirely responsible for altering their imbibing behavior formal showing instrument are used to judge the intoxicant ingestion by the pupils. Consequences are documented and pupils receive non-judgmental feedback on their personal imbibing behavior in comparing with that of others and its negative effects. Students besides receive suggestions to back up their determinations to alter.Application of the cognitive behavior and motivational sweetening scheme ( utilizing appraisal based instrument )Motivational sweetening, developed by Marlatt proved to be really effectual in cut downing intoxicant ingestion. The plan was given the name of Alcohol Skills Training Program ( ASTP ) .It is a cognitive-behavioural intoxicant bar plan that teaches pupils basic rules of moderate imbibing and at the same clip motivates them to cut down high hazard imbibing. Controlled experiment surveies show that the ASTP well reduces imbibing rates and associated jobs for both 1-year and 2-year follow-up periods. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )Scheme: Offer brief motivational sweetening intercessionsIt is besides observed that pupils who receive brief motivational intercessions of 45 proceedingss were successful in cut downing intoxicant ingestion. This scheme can besides turn out successful on get the better ofing inordinate imbibing, commendations for traffic misdemeanors, drive after imbibing and hurts. A utile brief intercession has been established at the University of Washington. This brief intercession for bad drinkers is based on the ASTP plan and is known as the BASICS plan: Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Student.Application of programme ( brief motivational sweetening intercessions )Programme operated in the si gnifier of two stairss. First was to give a pupil ‘s feedback on their imbibing behavior and in 2nd measure they were given the chance to explicate a new program based on the rules of brief motivational intercession. Bad drinkers who attended the BASICS plan significantly reduced both imbibing jobs and intoxicant ingestion rates, compared to command group participants, at both the 2-year follow-up and 4-year follow up appraisal periods. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )Scheme: Challenging intoxicant anticipations.This scheme operates by altering the outlooks of the pupils and altering their perceptual experiences about sexual attraction and societal attraction.Application of scheme utilizing appraisal based instrumentThe survey conducted to day of the month indicates that the positive effects of this scheme last for up to 6 hebdomads in participants. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )Tier 2: Evidence of Success with General Populations That Could Be Applied to College EnvironmentsThe undertaking force was formed for the implementing of this scheme. The Task Force recommends that college presidents, pupil and community leaders, campus intoxicant programme contrivers discover the schemes listed below because they have been successful with similar populations. These schemes do non claim to alter the behavior of each pupil, but they can assist alter those facets of the campus and community civilization that support excessive and underage intoxicant usage. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )Scheme: Increased enforcement of minimal imbibing age TorahsThe minimal legal imbibing age ( MLDA ) jurisprudence is the most good instrument in commanding the intoxicant ingestion. The legal age for purchase and ingestion of intoxicant has proved successful in this respect. It non merely mitigates alcohol ingestion but besides decreases the fatal accidents caused due to alcohol ingestion. Surveies indicate that policie s should be implemented persistently otherwise, they will turn out unsuccessful. Enforcement of these policies should be implemented specifically conformity cheques on retail intoxicant outlets-typically cut down gross revenues to bush leagues by at least half. Attempts to cut down the usage of bogus age designation and prohibition on â€Å" place bringing † of intoxicant may besides helpful in accomplishing the coveted consequences. Scheme: Execution, increased promotion, and enforcement of other Torahs to cut down alcohol-impaired drive: Fatal accidents and related hurts due to alcohol can be overcame by take downing legal blood intoxicant bounds to.08 per centum for grownup drivers, utilizing soberness checkpoints and safety belt Torahs, peculiarly primary enforcement belt Torahs have been the major ground for cut downing traffic deceases and hurts. When California authorities constituted new belt jurisprudence that permits constabulary to halt vehicles and bear down a all right merely because a driver was non belted, safety belt usage rates increased 39 per centum among drivers compared to 23 per centum overall. This indicates that primary enforcement belt Torahs can forestall many alcohol-related traffic accidents. Scheme: Restrictions on intoxicant retail mercantile establishment denseness Different research workers have found that there is nexus between figure of intoxicant licences or mercantile establishments per population between the denseness of alcohol mercantile establishments, ingestion, and related jobs such as force, wellness jobs and other offenses. One survey found that there is higher degrees of imbibing and orgy imbibing among minor and older college pupils when a larger figure of intoxicants was sold within one stat mi of campus. Numbers of stores for alcohol sale may be banned straight or indirectly through policies that make licenses more hard to obtain such as increasing the monetary value of obtaining the licence. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 ) Scheme: Increased monetary values and excise revenue enhancements on alcoholic drinks. A attested organic structure of research has shown that higher alcoholic drink monetary values or revenue enhancements are associated with lower degrees of intoxicant ingestion and alcohol-related jobs. Some surveies have look at these effects among immature people individually from the general population. Most such surveies have found that immature people exhibit important responses to monetary value or revenue enhancement alterations. The research states that higher beer monetary values mitigates imbibing among U.S. college pupils, but that monetary value is a comparatively weak instrument for act uponing these behaviours among college pupils, particularly among male member of the society. Some surveies have reported that higher revenue enhancements on intoxicant were linked with important decreases in fatal accidents or rummy drive, peculiarly among younger drivers and during dark clip hours. A few recent surveies have questioned these findings. However, ( Young & A ; Liken, 2000 ) found no important effects of beer revenue enhancements in cut downing fatal accidents, either for immature drivers or the general population. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 ) . Scheme: Responsible drink service policies in societal and commercial scenes Surveies proposed that barmans, servers, and others in the cordial reception industry would welcome written policies about responsible service of intoxicant and preparation in how to implement them decently. Policies could include functioning alcohol in standard sizes, restricting gross revenues of hurlers, restricting service of intoxicant to drunk frequenters, advancing alcohol-free drinks and nutrient, and extinguishing last-call proclamations. Waiters and other staff could have preparation in accomplishments such as decelerating intoxicant service, declining service to drunk frequenters, look intoing age designation, and observing false designation. To forestall gross revenues to minor frequenters, it is of import to endorse designation policies with punishments for disobedience.Scheme: The formation of a campus and community alliance affecting all major stakeholders may be critical to implement these sc hemes efficaciouslyA figure of comprehensive community attempts have been designed to cut down intoxicant and other substance usage and related negative effects among under aged young person, including college pupils, and among grownups and their results demonstrate the possible effectivity of this attack in college communities. For illustration, the Community Trials Program, which focused on intoxicant injury in the general population, resulted in a important diminution in exigency room admittances for alcohol-related jobs.Application of this scheme ( appraisal based grounds )Both this plan and Communities Mobilizing for Change which was designed specifically to cut down imbibing among immature people, resulted in decreased intoxicant gross revenues to bush leagues. In the communities mobilising undertaking individual aged 18 to 20 reduced their wont to supply intoxicant to other teens and were less likely to seek to devour intoxicant. The Massachusetts Saving Lives Program planned to cut down rummy drive and hurrying in the general population, produced comparative diminutions in intoxicant related serious accidents affecting drivers 15 to 25 old ages of age. College presidents, stakeholders, campus decision makers in campus-community alliances include pupil groups, module, community leaders, staff, jurisprudence enforcement, and representatives from intoxicant drink industries. Research shows that promoting community ownership of plans enhances success ( Holder, Saltz, Treno, Grube, & A ; Voas, 1997 ) .Tier 3Scheme: Adopting campus-based policiesThe undermentioned activities are peculiarly appealing because straightforward and comparatively brief ratings should stipulate whether they would be successful in cut downing bad imbibing on a peculiar campus. Programing alcohol-free, expanded late-night pupil activities.A Extinguishing keg parties on campus where underage imbibing is rampant. Reinstating Friday categories and tests to cut down Thursday dark partying, perchance forming Saturday forenoon categories. Using older, salaried occupant helpers or engaging grownups to carry through that function. Reject sponsorship gifts from the intoxicant industry to avoid any perceptual experience that minor imbibing is acceptable. Baning intoxicant on campus, including at module and alumni events. Establishing alcohol-free residence halls.Scheme: Increasing enforcement at campus-based events that promote inordinate imbibingCampus constabularies can transport out surprise topographic point cheques at events and parties on campus to guarantee that intoxicant service is monitored and that age designation is checked. It may be of import for non-students to implement these campus policies. Resident helpers and others charged with developing close supportive relationships with pupils might happen it hard to implement alcohol-related regulations and ordinances systematically and uniformly.Scheme: Increasing promotion about and enforcement of minor imbibing Torahs on campus and extinguishing â€Å" assorted messages. †As discussed antecedently, active enforcement of minimal legal age imbibing Torahs consequences in diminutions in gross revenues to bush leagues ‘ .Enforcement of State Torahs and local ordinances on campus may direct a â€Å" assorted message † to pu pils about conformity with lawfully imposed imbibing limitations. Creative attacks are needed to prove the pertinence of this scheme.Scheme: Systematically implementing disciplinary actions associated with policy misdemeanorsInconsistent enforcement of alcohol-related regulations may suggest to pupils that â€Å" regulations are made to be broken. † To prove the effectivity of this scheme would probably necessitate staff and module preparation, frequent communicating with pupils, and the execution of a research constituent.Scheme: Conducting selling runs to rectify pupil misperceptions about intoxicant usageBased on the premiss that pupils overestimate the sum of imbibing that occurs among their equals and so model their ain behaviour to run into this perceived norm, many schools are now actively carry oning â€Å" societal norming † runs to rectify many of these misperceptions.Scheme: Provision of â€Å" safe drives † plansSafe rides attempt to halt drive after imbibing by supplying either free or low-priced transit such new wave birds and taxis from popular pupil locales or to their finishs. Safe drives are normally limited to pupils, module, staff, and a limited figure of â€Å" invitees. † Safe rides patrons frequently include student wellness Centres, Greek Councils, Mothers Against Drunk Driving chapters, and other local community organisations, concerns, campus constabulary and authorities.Scheme: Regulation of happy hours and gross revenuesMany bars near campuses attract pupils by advancing drink specials ( such as two drinks for the monetary value of one or adult females drink for free ) limitations on happy hours have the possible to decrease inordinate ingestion off campus. If colleges and universities have a accredited constitution on campus, drink specials could be restricted or publicity of alcohol-free drinks and nutrient specials could be encouraged. Campus that operates without any licence and service intoxicant, ev ent contrivers could choose to restrict the sum of free intoxicant that is available and extinguish all self-service. Schools could besides restrict intoxicant usage to weekends or after regular category hours in an effort to divide imbibing from activities more closely associated with the premier academic mission.Scheme: Informing new pupils and their parents about intoxicant policies and punishments before arrival and during orientation periods.It has been noted that many pupils begin imbibing to a great extent during first six hebdomads. Giving consciousness to parents and pupils to this possibility early on ( e.g. , through pre admittance letters to parents and inclusion of information in orientation Sessionss and in presidents ‘ and pupil leaders ‘ welcoming addresss ) may assist halt the development of jobs during this critical, sensitive period.Commercially available intercessionNumerous intercession merchandises are available commercially and may include schemes described in this study. However, the current organic structure of equal reviewed appraising research is deficient to let nonsubjective appraisal of their efficaciousness among college age populations. Such plans were needfully excluded from the Task Force Report ‘s evidence-based hierarchy of bar schemes. Additional research may good set up grounds of efficaciousness for some or all of these plans. In the interim, if colleges and universities implement one or more of these plans, the Task Force strongly recommends that thorough plan rating be implemented every bit good, with careful attending to measuring plan effects in relation to plan costs and easiness of execution. As with any rating, it is necessary that both positive and negative findings be disseminated widely, through publication in peer-reviewed diaries when possible.Criticism on the intercession attackThe Task Force makes out that it is hard or impossible to â€Å" turn out † that a specific intercession att ack is universally unproductive. However, when there are dependable findings across a broad assortment of well-designed surveies, it is possible to reason that an attack is non likely to be utile and that limited resources should be used in other ways. Additionally, if there is strong grounds that an intercession attack is really harmful or counterproductive, recommendations non to utilize it can be made based on fewer surveies. The Task Force besides notes that some intercessions may be uneffective when used in isolation, but might do an of import part as portion of a multi constituent integrated set of plans and activities. However, until there is grounds of a complementary or interactive consequence ensuing from inclusion with other schemes, college decision makers are cautioned against doing premises of effectivity without scientific grounds.Scheme: Informational, knowledge-based, or values clarification intercessions about intoxicant and the jobs related to its inordinate usage, when used entirelyThis scheme is based on the premise that college pupils greatly use intoxicant because they lack cognition and an addition in cognition would take to a lessening in usage. Although educational constituents are built-in to some successful intercessions, they do non look to be effectual in isolation. Despite this grounds, informational/educational schemes are the most normally utilised techniques for separately f ocused bar on college campuses. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )Scheme: Supplying blood intoxicant content feedback to pupils.It could be used as portion of a research rating or to deter pupils from driving while under the influence or go oning to imbibe past poisoning. Supplying this information to pupils who are imbibing must be approached with attention. If feedback is to be provided in realistic scenes, the process should be carefully monitored for unfavorable effects and adjusted as necessary. ( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 ) Table I and II are added in AppendixPositive and negative results of the attack ( Criticism on the overall attack )The attacks used above to counter the intoxicant usage among the striplings might be really effectual and it may diminish the usage of intoxicant among the striplings but one thing that is really much under treatment is that single autonomy might be at hazard. Intervention by the psychologists or other decision makers may impact believing abilities of the striplings and it may impair their other abilities as good. It may besides resentment among those who are involved in the concern of intoxicant merchandising and purchasing. Another result of this attack might be that pupils might be overloaded with work as we discussed early that Saturdays and weekend should acquire pupils busy so that they can non imbibe. Third, any attack can non be successful until and unless parents does non acquire boycott them the usage of intoxicant. As a consequence, the parents would besides experience force per unit area to boycott intoxicant, otherwise their kids will copy them. However, this attack looks comprehensive overall and it may promote striplings to predate the usage of intoxicant.Family schemes adopted by some New York householdsSeveral beginnings have suggested household engagement as of import for the success of alcohol bar schemes. Family factors, such as parent-child relationships, subject methods, communicating, supervising and monitoring and parental engagement, can significantly act upon intoxicant usage among young person. Some of the New York households were confronting jobs due to alcohol usage by their striplings. Therefore, research workers advised them to utilize household schemes to undertake these jobs. So the household strategies they used are discussed below: Home-based parent-child activities ; household skills preparation ; behavioral parent preparation ; and behavioural household therapies were used. Reviews of household accomplishments developing indicated that sweetening of the following parenting accomplishments is of import for the bar of intoxicant usage. Bettering parent-child dealingss by utilizing positive support, listening and communicating accomplishments, and job resolution. ( L.Culbertson, 2010 ) Supplying consistent subject and rulemaking Monitoring kids ‘s activities during adolescence Strengthening household bonding. Assorted surveies have identified several constituents that contribute to the success of household based bar intercessions. One major constituent is a focal point on accomplishment development instead than on simple instruction about appropriate parenting patterns. Another of import constituent is the engagement of both parents and kids in single and group preparation Sessionss. Several surveies have found that parent and household preparation plans both improve parenting accomplishments and cut down job behaviours among kids. ( Diaz, 2000 ) A less intense household engagement attack is based on including parents in prep assignments around issues of intoxicant usage, thereby increasing the likeliness that intoxicant, baccy, and other drug usage is discussed at place, and potentially heightening rearing accomplishments by increasing communicating between parent and kid and supplying behavioural tips to parents. ( Kelli A.Komro )Pattern of Alcoholism in Different cultural groups including Jews in AmericaBerkeley ‘s Alcohol Research Group has carefully explored the demographics of intoxicant troubles in the U.S. One sole determination was that in conservative Protestant parts and dry parts of the state, which have low overall intoxicant ingestion, orgy imbibing and related jobs are common. Similarly, research at the Rand Corporation found that the parts of the state with the lowest intoxicant ingestion and highest abstention rates, viz. the South and Midwest, had the highest incidence of intervention for alcohol addic tion. ( Stanton Peele ) Meanwhile, cultural groups such as Judaic and Italian-Americans have really low abstention rates ( under 10 per centum compared with a 3rd of Americans at big ) and besides modest serious job imbibing. Psychiatrist George Vaillant found that Irish-American work forces in an urban Boston population had a rate of intoxicant trust over their life-times 7 times every bit great as those from Mediterranean backgrounds ( Grecian, Italian, Judaic ) . These findings are readily apprehensible in footings of different forms of imbibing and attitudes towards alcohol in different cultural groups. Harmonizing to Vaillant, for illustration, â€Å" It is steady with Irish civilization to see the usage of intoxicant in footings of black or white, good or evil, drunkenness or complete abstention. † In groups that demonetize intoxicant, any exposure to alcohol carries a high hazard of surplus. Therefore, inebriation and misbehavior become frequent, about accepted, results of imbibing. On the other side of the coin, the civilizations that view alcohol as a normal and enjoyable portion of repasts, jubilations, and spiritual ceremonials are least tolerant of intoxicant maltreatment. These civilizations, which do non believe intoxicant has the power to get the better of single opposition, disapprove of excess and do non digest destructive imbibing. ( Katz, 2003 ) ( Stanton Peele )AppendixTable I( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )Table II( College imbibing altering the civilization, 2005 )

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bloodlines Chapter Eighteen

â€Å"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘MISSING'?† I asked. â€Å"She was supposed to meet us a couple hours ago,† Eddie said, exchanging glances with Micah. â€Å"I thought maybe she was with you.† â€Å"I haven't seen her since PE.† I was trying hard not to kick into panic mode yet. There were too many variables at play and not enough evidence to start thinking crazy Moroi dissidents had kidnapped her. â€Å"This is a really big place – I mean, three campuses. Are you sure she isn't just holed up studying somewhere?† â€Å"We've done a pretty exhaustive search,† said the security officer. â€Å"And teachers and workers are on alert looking for her. No sightings yet.† â€Å"And she isn't answering her cell phone,† added Eddie. I finally let true fear overtake me, and my face must have shown it. The officer's expression softened. â€Å"Don't worry. I'm sure she'll turn up.† It was the kind of conciliatory thing people in his profession had to say to family members. â€Å"But do you have any other ideas of where she might be?† â€Å"What about your other brothers?† asked Micah. I'd been afraid it would come to that. I was almost one hundred percent sure she wasn't with Keith, but he should still probably be notified about her disappearance. It wasn't something I looked forward to because I knew there'd be a lecture in it for me. It would also be a sign of my failure in the eyes of other Alchemists. I should have stayed by Jill's side. That was my job, right? Instead, I'd – foolishly – been helping someone run errands. Not just anyone – a vampire. That's how the Alchemists would see it. Vamp lover. â€Å"I was just with Adrian,† I said slowly. â€Å"I suppose she could've somehow gotten to Clarence's and waited for him. I didn't actually go inside.† â€Å"I tried Adrian too,† said Eddie. â€Å"No answer.† â€Å"Sorry,† I said. â€Å"We were doing his interviews, so he must have turned his phone off. Do you want to try him again?† I certainly didn't want to. Eddie stepped aside to call Adrian while I talked with Mrs. Weathers and the officer. Micah paced around, looking worried, and I felt guilty for always wanting to keep him from Jill. The race thing was a problem, but he really did care about her. I told the officer all the places Jill liked to frequent on campus. They confirmed that they'd already checked them all. â€Å"You got ahold of him?† I asked when Eddie returned. He nodded. â€Å"She's not there. I feel kind of bad, though. He's pretty worried now. Maybe we should've waited to tell him.† â€Å"No†¦ actually, it might be a good thing.† I met Eddie's eyes and saw a spark of understanding. Adrian's emotions seemed to intrude on Jill when they were running strong. If he was panicked enough, she'd hopefully realize people were concerned and show back up. That was assuming she was just hiding out or had gone somewhere we couldn't find. I tried not to consider the alternative: that something had happened where she couldn't contact us. â€Å"Sometimes students just sneak off,† said the officer. â€Å"It's inevitable. Usually they try to sneak back in before curfew. Hopefully that's just the case now. If she doesn't show up then – well, then we'll call the police.† He walked off to radio the rest of security for a status check, and we thanked him for his help. Mrs. Weathers returned to the front desk, but it was clear she was worried and agitated. She came across as gruff sometimes, but I had the feeling she actually cared about her students. Micah left us to find a few friends of his who worked on campus, in case they'd seen anything. That left Eddie and me. Without conferring, we turned toward some chairs in the lobby. Like me, I think he wanted to stake out the door in order to see Jill the instant she showed up. â€Å"I shouldn't have left her,† he said. â€Å"You had to,† I said reasonably. â€Å"You can't be with her in classes or her room.† â€Å"This place was a bad idea. It's too big. Too hard to secure.† He sighed. â€Å"I can't believe this.† â€Å"No†¦ it was a good idea. Jill needs some semblance of a normal life. You could've locked her in a room somewhere and cut her off from all interaction, but what good would that do? She needs to go to school and be with people.† â€Å"She hasn't done much of that, though.† â€Å"No,† I admitted. â€Å"She's had a rough time with it. I kept hoping it'd get better.† â€Å"I just wanted her to be happy.† â€Å"Me too.† I straightened up as something alarming hit me. â€Å"You don't think†¦ you don't think she would've run away and gone back to her mom, do you? Or Court or somewhere?† His face grew even more bleak. â€Å"I hope not. Do you think things have been that bad?† I thought about our fight after the shower incident. â€Å"I don't know. Maybe.† Eddie buried his face in his hands. â€Å"I can't believe this,† he repeated. â€Å"I failed.† When it came to Jill, Eddie was usually all fierceness and anger. I'd never seen him so close to depression. I'd been living with the fear of my own failure since coming to Palm Springs but only now realized that Eddie had just as much on the line. I recalled Adrian's words about Eddie and his friend Mason, how Eddie felt responsible. If Jill didn't come back, would this be history repeating itself? Would she be someone else he'd lost? I'd thought this mission might be redemption for him. Instead, it could turn into Mason all over again. â€Å"You didn't fail,† I said. â€Å"You've been in charge of protecting her, and you've done that. You can't control her happiness. If anything, I'm to blame. I gave her a lecture for the shower incident.† â€Å"Yeah, but I destroyed her hopes when I told her the modeling idea Lee had wouldn't work.† â€Å"But you were right about – Lee!† I gasped. â€Å"That's it. That's where she is. She's with Lee, I'm certain of it. Do you have his number?† Eddie groaned. â€Å"I'm such an idiot,† he said, taking out his cell phone and scanning for the number. â€Å"I should've thought of that.† I touched the cross around my neck, saying a silent prayer that this would all be solved easily. As long as it meant Jill was alive and well, I could've handled her and Lee eloping. â€Å"Hey, Lee? It's Eddie. Is Jill with you?† There was a pause as Lee responded. Eddie's body language answered the question before I heard another word. His posture relaxed, and relief flooded his features. â€Å"Okay,† said Eddie a few moments later. â€Å"Well, get her back here. Now. Everyone's looking for her.† Another pause. Eddie's face hardened. â€Å"We can talk about that later.† He disconnected and turned to me. â€Å"She's okay.† â€Å"Thank God,† I breathed. I stood up, only then realizing how tense I'd been. â€Å"I'll be right back.† I found Mrs. Weathers and the security officer and relayed the news. The officer immediately spread the word to his colleagues and soon left. To my surprise, Mrs. Weathers almost looked like she was on the verge of tears. â€Å"Are you okay?† I asked. â€Å"Yes, yes.† She turned flustered, embarrassed at being so emotional. â€Å"I was just so worried. I – I didn't want to say anything and scare you all, but every time a student's missing†¦ well, a few years ago, another girl disappeared. We thought she'd just sneaked off – like Matt said, it happens. But it turned out†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mrs. Weathers grimaced and looked away. â€Å"I shouldn't be telling you this.† As if she could stop with that kind of intro. â€Å"No, please. Tell me.† She sighed. â€Å"The police found her a couple days later – dead. She'd been abducted and killed. It was terrible, and they never caught her killer. Now I just think of that whenever someone disappears. It's never happened again, of course. But something like that scars you.† I could imagine so. And as I returned to Eddie, I thought about him and Mason again. It seemed like everyone was carrying baggage from past events. I certainly was. Now that Jill's safety wasn't a concern, all I kept thinking was: What will the Alchemists say? What will my father say? Eddie was just hanging up his phone again when I approached. â€Å"I called Micah to tell him everything's okay,† he explained. â€Å"He was really worried.† All signs of Mrs. Weathers's past trauma vanished the instant that Jill and Lee walked through the door. Jill actually looked upbeat until she saw all of our faces. She came to a halt. Beside her, Lee already looked grim. I think he knew what was coming. Eddie and I hurried forward but didn't have a chance to speak right away. Mrs. Weathers immediately demanded to know where they'd been. Rather than cover it up, Jill confessed and told the truth: she and Lee had gone off campus, into Palm Springs. She was careful to make sure Lee didn't get accused of any kidnapping charges, swearing he didn't know she could only leave with approved family members. I confirmed this – though Lee was hardly off the hook in my opinion. â€Å"Will you wait outside?† I asked him politely. â€Å"I'd like to speak to you privately later.† Lee started to obey, flashing Jill a look of apology. He lightly brushed her hand in farewell and turned away. It was Mrs. Weathers who stopped him. â€Å"Wait,† she said, peering at him curiously. â€Å"Do I know you?† Lee looked startled. â€Å"I don't think so. I've never been here before.† â€Å"There's something familiar about you,† she insisted. Her frown deepened a few moments more. At last, she shrugged. â€Å"It can't be. I must be mistaken.† Lee nodded, met Jill's eyes in sympathy again, and left. Mrs. Weathers wasn't done with Jill. She launched into a lecture about how dangerous and irresponsible they'd been. â€Å"If you were going to sneak off and break rules, you could've at least confided in your siblings. They've been scared to death for you.† It was almost funny, her advising on â€Å"responsible† rule-breaking. Considering how panicked I'd been, I couldn't find anything amusing just then. She also told Jill that she'd be written up and punished. â€Å"For now,† said Mrs. Weathers, â€Å"you are confined to your room for the rest of the night. Come see me after breakfast, and we'll find out if the principal thinks this warrants suspension.† â€Å"Excuse me,† said Eddie. â€Å"Can we have a few minutes alone here with her before she goes upstairs? I'd like to talk to her.† Mrs. Weathers hesitated, apparently wanting Jill's punishment immediately enforced. Then she gave Eddie a double take. The look on his face was hard and angry, and I think Mrs. Weathers knew there was punishment of a different sort coming from Jill's big brother. â€Å"Five minutes,† said Mrs. Weathers, tapping her watch. â€Å"Then up you go.† â€Å"Don't,† said Jill, the instant we were alone. Her face was a mixture of fear and defiance. â€Å"I know what I did was wrong. I don't need a lecture from you guys.† â€Å"Don't you?† I asked. â€Å"Because if you knew it was wrong, you wouldn't have done it!† Jill crossed her arms over her chest. â€Å"I had to get out of here. On my own terms. And not with you guys.† The comment rolled right off of me. It sounded young and petty. But to my surprise, Eddie actually looked hurt. â€Å"What's that supposed to mean?† he asked. â€Å"It means that I just wanted to be away from this place without you always telling me what I'm doing wrong.† That was directed to me. â€Å"And you jumping at every shadow.† That, of course, was to Eddie. â€Å"I just want to protect you,† he said, looking hurt. â€Å"I'm not trying to smother you, but I can't have anything happen to you. Not again.† â€Å"I'm in more danger from Laurel than any assassins!† Jill exclaimed. â€Å"Do you know what she did today? We were working in the computer lab, and she ‘accidentally' tripped over my power cord. I lost half my work and didn't finish in time, so now I'm going to get a lower grade.† A lesson on backing up work probably wouldn't be useful just then. â€Å"Look, that's really terrible,† I said. â€Å"But it's not in the same category as getting yourself killed. Not by a long shot. Where exactly did you go?† For a moment, she looked as though she wasn't going to give up the info. Finally, she said, â€Å"Lee took me to Salton Sea.† Seeing our blank looks, she added, â€Å"It's a lake outside of town. It was wonderful.† An almost-dreamy expression crossed her features. â€Å"I haven't been around that much water in so long. Then we went downtown and just walked around, shopping and eating ice cream. He took me to that boutique, with the designer who's looking for models and – â€Å" â€Å"Jill,† I interrupted. â€Å"I don't care how awesome your day was. You scared us. Don't you get that?† â€Å"Lee shouldn't have done this,† growled Eddie. â€Å"Don't blame him,† said Jill. â€Å"I talked him into it – I made him think you guys wouldn't mind. And he doesn't know the real reason I'm here or the danger.† â€Å"Maybe dating was a bad idea,† I muttered. â€Å"Lee's the best thing that's happened to me here!† she said angrily. â€Å"I deserve to be able to go out and have fun like you guys.† ‘†Fun'? That's kind of an exaggeration,† I said, recalling my afternoon with Adrian. Jill needed a target for her frustration, and I won the honor. â€Å"Doesn't seem like it to me. You're always gone. And when you aren't, you just tell me what I'm doing wrong. It's like you're my mom.† I'd been wading through all of this calmly, but suddenly, something about that comment made me snap. My finely tuned control shattered. â€Å"You know what? I kind of feel that way too. Because as far as I can tell, I am the only one in this group behaving like an adult. You think I'm out there having fun? All I'm doing is babysitting you guys and cleaning up your messes. I spent my afternoon – wasted my afternoon – driving Adrian around so that he could blow off the interviews that I set up. Then I get here and have to deal with the aftermath of your ‘field trip.' I get that Laurel's a pain – although maybe if Micah had been warned off from the beginning, these problems with her never would've happened.† I directed that last comment at Eddie. â€Å"I don't get why I'm the only one who sees how serious everything is. Vampire-human dating. Your lives on the line. These aren't the kinds of things you can screw around with! And yet†¦ somehow, you all still do. You leave me to do the hard stuff, to pick up after you†¦ and all the while, I've got Keith and the other Alchemists breathing down my neck, waiting for me to screw up because no one trusts me since helping your pal Rose. You think this is fun? You want to live my life? Then do it. Step right up, and you start taking responsibility for a change.† I hadn't yelled, but my volume had certainly gone up. I'd pretty much delivered my speech without taking a breath and now paused for some oxygen. Eddie and Jill stared at me, wide-eyed, as though they didn't recognize me. Mrs. Weathers returned to us just then. â€Å"That's enough for tonight. You need to go upstairs now,† she told Jill. Jill nodded, still a little stunned, and hurried away without saying goodbye to any of us. Mrs. Weathers walked her to the stairs, and Eddie turned to me. His face was pale and solemn. â€Å"You're right,† he said. â€Å"I haven't been pulling my share.† I sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted. â€Å"You're not as bad as they are.† He shook his head. â€Å"Still. You might be right about Micah. Maybe he'll keep some distance if I talk to him, and then Laurel will lay off Jill. I'll ask him tonight. But†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He frowned, choosing his words carefully. â€Å"Try not to be too hard on Adrian and Jill. This is stressful for her, and sometimes I think a little of Adrian's personality is leaking into her through the bond. I'm sure that's why she ran off today. It's something he'd do in her situation.† â€Å"No one forced her to do it,† I said. â€Å"Least of all Adrian. The fact that she coaxed Lee and didn't tell us shows that she knew it was wrong. That's free will. And Adrian has no such excuses.† â€Å"Yeah†¦ but he's Adrian,† said Eddie lamely. â€Å"Sometimes I don't know how much of what he does is him and how much is spirit.† â€Å"Spirit users can take antidepressants, can't they? If he's worried about it becoming a problem, then he needs to step up and take charge. He has a choice. He's not helpless. There are no victims here.† Eddie studied me for several seconds. â€Å"And I thought I had a harsh view on life.† â€Å"You have a harsh life,† I corrected. â€Å"But yours is built around the idea that you always have to take care of other people. I was raised to believe that's necessary sometimes but that everyone still needs to try to take care of themselves.† â€Å"And yet here you are.† â€Å"Tell me about it. You want to come talk to Lee with me?† All apology vanished from Eddie's face. â€Å"Yes,† he said fiercely. We found Lee sitting on a bench outside, looking miserable. He jumped up when we approached. â€Å"You guys, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done it. She just sounded so sad and so lost that I wanted to – â€Å" â€Å"You know how protective we are of her,† I said. â€Å"How could you have not thought that this would worry us?† â€Å"And she's a minor,† said Eddie. â€Å"You can't just take her away and do whatever you want with her!† I admit, I was a little surprised that the threat to Jill's virtue was what he chose to bring up. Don't get me wrong – I was also conscious of her age. But after he saw her literally die, it seemed like Eddie would be worried about more than making out. Lee's gray eyes went wide. â€Å"Nothing happened! I would never do anything like that to her. I promise! I'd never take advantage of someone so trusting. I can't ruin this. She means more to me than any other girl I've dated. I want us to be together forever.† I thought being â€Å"together forever† was extreme at their ages, but there was a sincerity in his eyes that was touching. It still didn't excuse what he'd done. He took our lecturing seriously and promised there would never be a repeat. â€Å"But please†¦ can I still see her when you're around? Can we still do group things?† Eddie and I exchanged glances. â€Å"If she's even allowed to leave campus after this,† I said. â€Å"I really don't know what's going to happen.† Lee left after a few more apologies, and Eddie also returned to his dorm. I was walking upstairs when my phone rang. Glancing down, I was startled to see my parents' number in Salt Lake City on the caller ID. â€Å"Hello?† I asked. For a frantic moment, I hoped it was Zoe. â€Å"Sydney.† My father. My stomach filled with dread. â€Å"We need to talk about what's happened.† Panic shot through me. How had he found out about Jill's disappearance already? Keith jumped out as the obvious culprit. But how had Keith found out? Had he been at Clarence's when Eddie called Adrian? Despite his flaws, I couldn't imagine Adrian telling Keith what had happened. â€Å"Talk about what?† I asked, playing for time. â€Å"Your behavior. Keith called me last night, and I must say, I'm very disappointed.† â€Å"Last night?† This wasn't about Jill's disappearance. So what was it about? â€Å"You're supposed to be coordinating efforts for that Moroi girl to blend in. You aren't supposed to be out socializing with them and having a good time! I could hardly believe it when Keith said you took them out bowling.† â€Å"It was mini-golf, and Keith okayed it! I asked him first.† â€Å"And then I hear you're helping all these other vampires run errands and whatnot. Your duty is only to the girl, and that is to do only what's necessary for her survival – which I also hear you aren't doing. Keith tells me there was an incident where you didn't properly handle her difficulties in the sun?† â€Å"I reported that immediately!† I cried. I'd known Keith was planning to use that against me. â€Å"Keith – † I paused, thinking about the best way to handle this. â€Å"Misunderstood my initial report.† Keith had blown off my initial report, but telling my father his protege had lied would just put my father's defenses up. He wouldn't believe me. â€Å"And Keith's one to talk! He's always hanging out with Clarence and won't say why.† â€Å"Probably to make sure he remains stable. I understand the old man isn't all there.† â€Å"He's obsessed with vampire hunters,† I explained. â€Å"He thinks there are humans out there that killed his niece.† â€Å"Well,† said my father, â€Å"there are some humans out there who catch on to the vampire world, those whom we can't dissuade. Hardly hunters. Keith's doing his duty by enlightening Clarence. You, however, are misguided.† â€Å"That's not a fair comparison!† â€Å"Honestly, I blame myself,† he said. Somehow I doubted that. â€Å"I shouldn't have let you go. You weren't ready – not after what you went through. Being with these vampires is confusing you. That's why I'm recalling you.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"If I had my way, it'd be right now. Unfortunately, Zoe won't be ready for another two weeks. The Alchemists want her to undergo some testing before she gets her tattoo. Once she does, we'll send her in your place and get you†¦ some help.† â€Å"Dad! This is crazy. I'm doing fine here. Please, don't send Zoe – â€Å" â€Å"I'm sorry, Sydney,† he said. â€Å"You've left me no choice. Please don't get into trouble in your remaining time.† He disconnected, and I stood in the hall, my heart sinking. Two weeks! Two weeks and they were sending Zoe. And me†¦ where were they sending me? I didn't want to think about it, but I knew. I needed to stop this from happening. Wheels were already in motion. The tattoos, I suddenly thought. If I could finish my tests on the stolen substances and find out info about the blood supplier, I would earn the Alchemists' regard – hopefully enough to take away the taint that Keith had put on me. And why had he done it? Why now? I knew he'd never wanted me along. Maybe he had just been biding his time, building up evidence against me until he could get me ousted in one fell swoop. I wouldn't let him, though. I'd bust open this tattoo case and prove who the stellar Alchemist was. I had enough evidence now to get their attention and would simply turn in what I had if nothing new came to light within a week. The decision filled me with resolve, but I still had trouble sleeping when I went to bed later. My father's threat hung over me, as did my fear of the reeducation centers. After about an hour of tossing and turning I finally dozed off. But even that was fitful and troubled. I woke up after only a few hours and then had to fall asleep all over again. This time, I dreamed. In the dream, I stood in Clarence's living room. Everything was neat and in place, the dark wood and antique furniture giving the space its usual ominous feel. The details were surprisingly vivid, and it was like I could even smell the dusty books and leather on the furniture. â€Å"Huh. It worked. Wasn't sure if it would with a human.† I spun around and found Adrian leaning against the wall. He hadn't been there a moment ago, and I had a flash of that childhood fear of vampires appearing out of nowhere. Then I remembered this was a dream, and these kinds of things happened. â€Å"What weren't you sure about?† I asked. He gestured around him. â€Å"If I could reach you. Bring you here into this dream.† I didn't quite follow what he meant and said nothing. He arched an eyebrow. â€Å"You don't know, do you? Where you are?† â€Å"At Clarence's,† I said reasonably. â€Å"Well, in reality I'm asleep in my bed. This is just a dream.† â€Å"You're half right,† he said. â€Å"This is a spirit dream. This is real.† I frowned. A spirit dream. Since most of our information about spirit was sketchy, we had hardly anything on spirit dreams. I'd learned most of what I knew about them from Rose, who had been frequently visited by Adrian in them. According to her, the dreamer and the spirit user were actually together, in a meeting of the minds, communicating across long distances. It was hard for me to fully grasp that, but I'd seen Rose wake up with information she wouldn't have otherwise had. Still, I had no evidence to suggest I was really in a spirit dream now. â€Å"This is just a regular dream,† I countered. â€Å"Are you sure?† he asked. â€Å"Look around. Concentrate. Doesn't it feel different? Like a dream†¦ but not like a dream. Not quite like real life either. Call it what you want, but the next time we see each other in the waking world, I'll be able to tell you exactly what happened here.† I looked around the room, studying it as he'd suggested. Again, I was struck by the vividness of even the smallest details. It certainly felt real, but dreams often did†¦ right? You usually never knew you were dreaming until you woke up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to still my mind. And like that, I felt it. I understood what he meant. Not quite like a dream. Not quite like real life. My eyes flew open. â€Å"Stop it,† I cried, backing away from him. â€Å"Make it end. Get me out of here.† Because in accepting that this really was a spirit dream, I'd had to acknowledge something else: I was surrounded in vampire magic. My mind was ensnared in it. I felt claustrophobic. The magic was pressing on me, crushing the air. â€Å"Please.† My voice grew more and more frantic. â€Å"Please let me go.† Adrian straightened up, looking surprised. â€Å"Whoa, Sage. Calm down. You're okay.† â€Å"No. I'm not. I don't want this. I don't want the magic touching me.† â€Å"It won't hurt you,† he said. â€Å"It's nothing.† â€Å"It's wrong,† I whispered. â€Å"Adrian, stop it.† He reached out a hand, like he might try to comfort me, and then thought better of it. â€Å"It won't hurt you,† he repeated. â€Å"Just hear me out, and then I'll dissolve it. I promise.† Even in the dream, my pulse was racing. I wrapped my arms around myself and backed up against the wall, trying to make myself small. â€Å"Okay,† I whispered. â€Å"Hurry.† â€Å"I just wanted to say†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He stuffed his hands in his pockets and glanced away uncomfortably before looking at me again. Were his eyes greener here than in real life? Or was it just my imagination? â€Å"I wanted to†¦ I wanted to apologize.† â€Å"For what?† I asked. I couldn't process anything beyond my own terror. â€Å"For what I did. You were right. I wasted your time and your work today.† I forced my mind to dredge up memories from this afternoon. â€Å"Thank you,† I said simply. â€Å"I don't know why I do these things,† he added. â€Å"I just can't help it.† I was still terrified, still suffocating in the magic surrounding me. Somehow, I managed to echo my earlier conversation with Eddie. â€Å"You can take control of yourself,† I said. â€Å"You aren't a victim.† Adrian had been gazing off, troubled by his thoughts. He suddenly jerked his gaze back to me. â€Å"Just like Rose.† â€Å"What?† Adrian held out his hand, and a thorny red rose suddenly materialized there. I gasped and tried to back up farther. He twirled the stem around, careful not to prick his fingers. â€Å"She said that. That I was playing the victim. Am I really that pathetic?† The rose wilted and crumpled before my eyes, turning to dust and then vanishing altogether. I made the sign against evil on my shoulder and tried to remember what we were talking about. â€Å"Pathetic's not the word I'd use,† I said. â€Å"What word would you use?† My mind was blanking. â€Å"I don't know. Confused?† He smiled. â€Å"That's an understatement.† â€Å"I'll check a dictionary when I wake up and get back to you. Can you please end this?† The smile faded to an expression of amazement. â€Å"You really are that scared, aren't you?† I let my silence answer for me. â€Å"Okay, one more thing, then. I thought of another way I can get out of Clarence's and get some money. I was reading about college and financial aid. If I took classes somewhere, do you think I could get enough to live on?† This was a concrete question I could deal with. â€Å"It's possible. But I think it's too late. Classes have started everywhere.† â€Å"I found a place on the internet. Carlton. A college on the other side of town that hasn't started yet. But I'd still have to act fast, and†¦ that's what I don't know how to do. The paperwork. The procedures. But that's your specialty, right?† â€Å"Sad but true,† I said. Some part of me thought Carlton sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. He took a deep breath. â€Å"Will you help me? I know it's making you babysit again, but I don't know where to start. I promise I'll meet you halfway, though. Tell me what I need to do, and I will.† Babysit. He'd been talking to Jill or Eddie or both. That was reasonable, though. He'd want to know that she was okay. I could only imagine how my tirade had been paraphrased. â€Å"You were in college before,† I said, recalling his record. I'd scoured it when putting together the ill-fated resume. â€Å"You dropped out.† Adrian nodded. â€Å"I did.† â€Å"How do I know you won't this time? How do I know you aren't just wasting my time again?† â€Å"You don't know, Sage,† he admitted. â€Å"And I don't blame you. All I can ask is that you give me another chance. That you try to believe me when I say I'll follow through. That you believe I'm serious. That you trust me.† Long moments stretched out between us. I'd relaxed slightly, without even realizing it, though I remained up against the wall. I studied him, wishing I was better at reading people. His eyes were that green in real life, I decided. I just usually didn't look at them so closely. â€Å"Okay,† I said. â€Å"I trust you.† Total shock filled his features. â€Å"You do?† I was no better at reading people than I had been ten seconds ago, but in that moment, I suddenly gained a flash of understanding into the mystery that was Adrian Ivashkov. People didn't believe in him very often. They had low expectations of him, so he did as well. Even Eddie had sort of written him off: He's Adrian. As though there was nothing to be done for it. I also suddenly realized that, as unlikely as it seemed, Adrian and I had a lot in common. Both of us were constantly boxed in by others' expectations. It didn't matter that people expected everything of me and nothing of him. We were still the same, both of us constantly trying to break out of the lines that others had defined for us and be our own person. Adrian Ivashkov – flippant, vampire party boy – was more like me than anyone else I knew. The thought was so startling that I couldn't even answer him right away. â€Å"I do,† I said at last. â€Å"I'll help you.† I shivered. The fear of the dream returned, and I just wanted this to be over. I would've agreed to anything to be back in my non-magical bed. â€Å"But not here. Please – will you send me back? Or end this? Or whatever it is?† He nodded slowly, still looking stunned. The room began to fade, its colors and lines melting like a painting left in the rain. Soon, all dimmed to black, and I found myself waking up in my dorm room bed. As I did, I just barely caught the sound of his voice in my mind: Thank you, Sage.

Why Smoking Should Be Banned in Public

Smoking should be banned in all public places to protect people from second-hand smoke and stop promoting the visual to minors. The cigarette is a small but deadly habit enjoyed by 45. 3 million Americans. Smoking is illegal inside most public restaurants and buildings as well as on school property. But, why should cigarette smoking be banned in all public spaces, including outside public establishments? The most obvious reason is second-hand smoke and the damage it causes to others who don't want to be exposed to cigarette smoke. A ban on all public smoking would improve the air quality in each town, spare people from smoke exposure, decrease the overall amount of smoking, and make it less visible to children and teens as an accepted norm. The negative effects of second-hand smoke are scientifically documented and provide a valid reason for banning all public smoking. This proposal would likely upset many people since it may seem a bit constraining and overly invasive at first. Why are people not allowed to drink alcohol on the streets, walking throughout a town or city? If someone were to do this they would get a ticket or arrested for public intoxication. It is unhealthy for the person drinking and dangerous for everyone else around the person drinking. The same principle applies for smoking cigarettes. It is unhealthy for the person smoking and for everyone around them that happens to be outside. The people who aren’t smoking deserve the right to clean air and the right to not be exposed to harmful chemicals found in nicotine. This individual right outweighs the individual right to smoke in an outdoor, public place. The smoking addiction is undoubtedly just that, an addiction. If people truly grasped what they were doing to their bodies, then everyone would quit smoking unless they wanted to die young. This addiction, like any other addiction, needs outside action taken to prevent the person in addiction from further harm. In this case, each state and/or city should enact a ban on smoking in outdoor public places. This ban should exclude peoples homes or personal property but it should includes all buildings, establishments, streets, parks, and anywhere else that people gather. The only exception to banning someone from smoking in their own house should be if they have children. It may seem like an invasion of privacy and too much government control but the more important issue here is the safety of children. If there are children under the age of 18 living at home then it should be illegal to smoke in the house or car or within a certain distance of them, even at home. The second-hand smoke that these children are inhaling is not their choice and they are being subject to life-threatening disease and illness. In addition to being exposed to harmful chemicals, children who are around smoking will become more likely to smoke themselves. The deadly cycle will continue and more people will become addicted to smoking cigarettes. Without government intervention, this is an issue that will not change and lives will continue to be lost due to the negative effects of cigarette smoking. Portland, Oregon is taking this issue seriously. Public smoking is banned within 25 feet of a playground or picnic table. This city understands the health concerns for people who choose not to smoke. The beauty of living in a free country is that any individual may choose whether to smoke cigarettes or not. An individuals choice is taken away from them when people are allowed to smoke on streets and in outdoor public spaces. A law that prevents people from smoking in any public space, whether indoor or outdoor, would truly give non-smokers the choice not to inhale cigarette smoke. At a professional sporting event, even an outdoor one, smoking is banned almost everywhere. It is accepted as the social norm not to smoke while sitting in your seat and watching the game because it might bother another person sitting nearby. This same concept should be used to ban smoking while walking on a sidewalk or standing outside a building. One of the biggest and most important reasons to ban all public smoking is the safety of children. Our government and states have made extensive laws, and rightly so, to protect children from abuse and neglect. This includes entering some ones private home if there is reason to believe the child is in danger. Children have no say whether or not to be abused and no child wants to or should be. No child wants to be addicted to cigarettes or chooses to have the lasting, harmful effects that cigarettes bring on a person. Our government seems to be taking small steps in the right direction but is still focused on only one part of the issue. According to the FDA, â€Å"Every day nearly 4,000 kids under 18 try their first cigarette and 1,000 kids under 18 become daily smokers. Many of these kids will become addicted before they are old enough to understand the risks and will ultimately die too young of tobacco-related diseases. FDA is working to protect the health of America’s children and ultimately reduce the burden of illness and death caused by tobacco use. † (â€Å"Save†) The stats are alarming as to how many children are smoking. A public ban on smoking would reduce the amount of cigarettes smoked and the amount of people who begin smoking due to lack of public exposure. Every time someone smokes a cigarette they are giving free advertising to the tobacco industry. If you watch an old movie you will notice that smoking was socially accepted and even a part of being sophisticated. We have come a long way since the 1930’s and 1940’s but still have a large room for improvement. The visual aspect is the greatest one to overcome. If we can eliminate public smoking, it will decrease the amount of people who being smoking while also creating a healthier environment for everyone to enjoy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

This is a discussion question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

This is a discussion question - Essay Example A is much higher which is 1.89 years than Project B which is 3.75 years but an investor would give least attention to this and would consider Net present value and will go for Project B which is $114.409 which in comparison to Project A ( $56.922 ) is much higher than Project A. If an investor is keen to go through the details except than just considering payback period so investor will look at the internal rate of return of both the project to decide further which should be greater than given interest rate. In this case, internal rate of return of both projects is greater than the given interest rate of 12%. Considering specifically, Project A have a higher percentage which is 26.72%, whereas Project Bs is 19.74%. But investor would again justify Project B because it is widely known in business market that big investment at low percentage has a higher turnover than a small investment at 100% profit return for example $1 at 100% profit will return $2, whereas $100,000 at 80% will return $180,000. This shows that low rate of return is better on huge investment which is again justifying project B with an investment of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

PEST Analysis of Nike Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PEST Analysis of Nike - Term Paper Example Political Analysis The US government has sought to create economical policies that are essential to foster the growth and development of business that either are situated or have their headquarters in the United States. Nike is a major beneficiary of these policies that have been implemented by the US government. In order to support the Nike brand, the US government has established fundamental measures that include low interest rates, an international competitive aspect of the tax system, stable economic environment, and vital economical resources for the benefit of the company. This has demonstrated to be a factor in the development of Nike. 1(Thottam, "A New Push against Sweatshops") The nature of the political situation in various countries is a vital factor that has played a part in the growth of Nike into a multinational company. The organization has expanded to China, which boasts of a highly stable government and political environment. It has proven to be a vital factor that h as motivated the US Company to establish a plant in the country to reach a larger audience, especially in the eastern region of the world. Political stability in a country is critical in terms of establishing a solid platform for business growth in a region. A lack of political stability will generate uncertainty regarding a business’ future and hence a company will not seek to develop in a country posing political uncertainty. Economic Analysis The biggest problem that serves to affect the level of a company’s business is recession. When the latter occurred, Nike was adversely affected thus reducing its growth. With the US economy facing a down turn, it has resulted to reduction in consumer purchases. Consequently, this has affected the sales volume for the company. Nevertheless, Nike being a multinational company is able to rely on sales from other regions, particularly Africa, which was not as much affected by the recession 2(Stepp, "Nike is Right"). The main proble m with the case of the recession is that it affected other regions such as Asia and Europe. Nike has a high volume of sales in Asia and Europe, in comparison to Africa. The fact that Asia has a high population density and Europe has popular sports brands, the sales level was adversely affected. Nike was among the companies that suffered from this recession. The recession limited the growth of the company, and may have resulted in the company having to close a number of stores in various regions to avoid continuous loses. Aspects such as labor costs and materials for production were increasing, which meant that Nike was constantly in the red (recording losses). If the situation continues with the weakening of the Euro and the Asian currencies, Nike may be in a recession as well based on shrinking growth, and Africa may not be the ideal solution in maintaining company sales (until Africa is eventually affected by the Recession). Society Analysis The general trend in society is the con cern on health. The major stereotype in the United States is the fact that there are an increasing number of obese individuals. This has led to the increase in individuals joining fitness clubs. Nike can seek to capitalize on this factor by selling merchandise that is essential to those seeking to join fitness clubs. Shoes, overalls and accessories such as water bottles

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Orthodox Law Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Orthodox Law Principles - Essay Example Disguising the employment status could be done in a number of ways. It happens even underwritten contracts where it is common knowledge to both the employee and the employer and could also happen if a worker is hired on a more or less informal basis to provide their labor, and simply assumes or is told that they are a contractor. Mostly there is an interposition of an entity that contracts with the business rather than the worker in his personal capacity. This allows drafting faulty contracts due to the absence of the contractor to review the terms therein provided for (Burne, 23)Businesses sometimes do not register their workers as employees. This benefits both the business and the workers who are treated as self-employed in terms of income tax and insurance remittals. However, the business stands to gain more since it can dismiss workers at will due to the ‘open’ contracts and the employees lack protection and rights. Most businesses will pass that their employees have been contracted for the provision of services and consultancy rather than employment. These are sham contracts. These contracts are chosen by immigrant workers in most countries who are desperate for jobs and do not have proper immigration papers or required skill to seek permanent employment. It is easier for them since they try to avoid the authorities.Many would not find the problem with sham self-employment but it favors the unfettered freedom to engage and dismiss workers as contractors when they are indeed employees.

Friday, July 26, 2019

A World Without Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A World Without Books - Essay Example Books have been among the greatest inventions of the human race and it has been through them that human civilization has been able to advance. Books have become so essential that it is difficult to envisage humanity without them. Books have been the way through which the history of the human race has been transmitted from one age group to another. In addition, they have been the through which official records have been kept, and without them, all the great civilizations of the past would not have been able to blossom and flourish as they did. Throughout history, scholars and those people who could read have been greatly revered by their fellow men because they were believed to be the carriers of and transmitters of knowledge. Before the modern times, books were extremely rare and were intensely sought after by those who could read them. In the Western world, books were so rare that the only book that many of those who could read had read was the bible, a book that certain priests cou ld not even read. The ownership of and the ability to read books were therefore a source of great prestige for those who had the privilege of having them. This privilege eventually came to be spread all over the world as more people became literate and books became commonplace. However, there has recently developed a trend where people have come to prefer other forms of entertainment at the expense of books, which are slowly, but surely, being viewed as relics of the past. A world without books is a concept that many people are yet to comprehend because a majority of the literate people in the world today at some point enjoys reading. While this is a fact, one has to consider that there have developed newer and seemingly more interesting forms of entertainment, which many of the younger generation is adapting to instead of books. This is creating a situation similar to that in the novel Fahrenheit 451 where books are of no value and any that are found are destroyed. In the world of this novel, books are considered by society to be useless and due to popular demand, it has become the duty of the firemen to destroy every available copy that is found. The influence of other media such as soap operas has become so great that the population prefers it to books, which are looked upon as being too strenuous to read. Books, mainly because of the conflicting information that is found within them, have disillusioned many of the characters in the novel. Beatty, the boss of the main character, is said to have once been an avid reader, but his disillusionment with books soon led him to get involved in their destruction as a firefighter (Bradbury 61-62). His disillusionment with them seems to be so great that he makes Montag, the main character, destroy the book that he realizes that the latter has in his possession. One would say that a world without books would be a dreary place within which to live because books have traditionally been the means of transmitting knowledge from one generation to another. Through books, issues are discussed more deeply and in the process, the reader gets to have a better understanding of the issues being discussed. This is not true of other sources of information, because these sources are scarce in content and this creates a situation where individuals get only a shallow understanding of the subject matter. In Fahrenheit 451, it is seen that because of the destruction of books, knowledge has become static, not being able to grow as it should (Bradbury 87). Those people who possess books are completely ostracized from society and are put in mental asylums because of their intellect. This makes it extremely difficult for knowledge to be transmitted and the lack of this knowledge has made the people in this society disillusioned with life. Because of their hatred for books, the society in Fahrenheit 451 is not equipped to deal with the issues of day-to-day life and they have instead become artificial. The world would fa ce this

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MRI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

MRI - Essay Example Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) produces detailed images of the body’s internal organs and problems associated with the organs. It is procedure that has typically no side effects and cast images with no fear of pain. The process uses magnetised radio radiations and draws the images when the waves reflect back to the scanner. It is different from the CT scan or CAT scan. An MRI scanner is composed of two donut shaped tubes that are joined by a hollow tunnel that holds a person. The donut shaped tubes produce powerful magnetized radiation. A sliding table holds patients and it slides into the tunnel of the scanner. However, some MRI centres have MRI scanner with larger openings to hold patients that are suffering from claustrophobia. Most hospitals now have MRI scanners; while dedicated MRI centres are also opened for the ease of patients. The MRI scanner generates powerful magnetic waves that interact with the atoms of the patient’s body. During interaction the magnetic waves makes the atoms of body to be in particular pattern. The pattern is observed by the powerful antenna and sent to the computed that draws an image with respect to the observed pattern. Computer converted image both in 2d and 3d formats. The results are viewed by the physician to diagnose the problem. Kindly bring other examination reports like X-ray, Ultra sound, CT scans, Nuclear Medicine Scans or previous MRI scan reports along with you, if you can. This may help the physician to make comparison between the reports. Kindly do not let your child to wear any type of metallic jewellery like chins, hair clips or rings as metals may disrupt the magnetic resonance waves. Check you child carefully before the examination begins. If the child’s physician recommends using dye to clarify the results, be sure that child’s takes nothing by mouth (NBM) several

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Article Critique - Essay Example In their article, Jehlen and Kopkowski identify two major factors that are driving the push to disband large urban high schools in favor of small schools of less than 400 students. These factors are No Child Left Behind and large grants given by the Bill Gates Foundation. The article presents a brief overview of the positives and negatives of the small high school approach and then examines two sample high schools and presents interviews with the educators in these schools. One major issue the article does not address is the exact reasons that No Child Left Behind and the Bill Gates Foundation are causing such an impact on school reform. The authors mention that No Child Left Behind calls for increasing consequences for schools with lagging achievement and then state that these consequences force the schools to do something, regardless of what that something is but provide no additional details. Also, Jehlen and Kopkowski state that the Gates Foundation provides money to promote the building of smaller schools, but then contradict this information by revealing that the Foundation is no longer in support of smaller schools but is in support of more qualified faculty. A breakdown of the amount of money that the Gates Foundation donates to school districts would help the reader understand the amount of influence the foundation has. In the first of two high schools that are the focus of the article, the authors present Wyandotte High School in Kansas City, Kansas. The school was a large high school with discipline problems ranging from arson to assault. After breaking the school into small learning communities, discipline problems plummeted and test scores rose. Jehlen and Kopkowski interview several teachers who all agree that the reform was positive. The only problem with the analysis is that the authors present such an extreme case. Very few schools deal with arson and assaults on the faculty with any regularity. The teachers working in this school admitted that they did not want to return the next day to teach. With subjects such as these, the study is biased. In such a difficult school, teachers would vastly overestimate the value of any reform that had any positive results. Any reduction in behavioral problems would be lauded by staff and administration. The second high school that Jehlen and Kopkowski focus on is Life Academy in Oakland, California. In Oakland, the school budget is being cut and the school illustrates the negatives of moving to the small school format. The teachers are forced to teach multiple preps, there is very little variety in the curriculum, and there are very few extracurricular activities. The analysis of Life Academy suffers for the same reason as that of Wyandotte High School. Few systems are in the extreme budget crunch of Oakland, and teachers who are in underfunded schools are more likely to report negatives of any reform. So, it is unsurprising that the interviews that Jehlen and Kopkowski conducted at Li fe Academy were primarily pessimistic. Overall, I believe that the current idea in school reform is a move forward in technology. School districts are still attempting to create smaller schools, but the push is for online education. Smaller schools cost more in resources, personnel, and other factors. Online education is much cheaper and requires fewer resources than smaller schools. Since districts are now concerned with saving money, the current school reform is online

The study on Human resources in a digital age Dissertation

The study on Human resources in a digital age - Dissertation Example Primary research is conducted for the study. This is done using the questionnaire method on a sample of 100 HR professionals across different sectors. They are primarily HR executives and HR managers in organizations. The analysis is done based on the responses collected from candidates and presented in the form of graphs and pie charts. The drawbacks and loopholes in the system are identified and suitable recommends are provided to eliminate them. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 5 Background 6 Research aims and objectives 7 Problem Statement 8 Literature Review 8 Impact of Information technology in human resources in organizations, changing trends 8 Human Resource Management using information technology and competitive edge of firms 13 Strategic constraints on human resource management in the digital age 17 Technology and training for human resource professionals 20 Research Methodology 24 Primary Research Study 24 Scope of Research 25 Data Collection methods and technique s 26 Research Limitations 27 Questionnaire design 28 Research Findings and Analysis 29 Quantitative Analysis 29 Qualitative Analysis 38 Recommendations 42 Conclusion 44 Reference 46 Bibliography 49 Appendix 51 Questionnaire 51 Introduction Globalization and global competition has been imposing great pressure on managers in organizations to make better and faster business decisions. Investments in information and technology have also been creeping up along with this pressure. Investments in the area of information and technology in considered being one of the critical means of improving and fastening up of management decision making. Even then, organizations have faced the great difficulty in realising the potential of investments in the areas of information and technology in businesses. This has been particularly visible in the business area of human resource management, despite the fact that longer lead times associated with changes in human resource management systems necessarily means HR accounts for a major candidate to derive benefits from information and technology. In order to emerge successful amidst the increasingly and global competition managers are constantly faced with the pressure of controlling labour costs, motivating employees and subordinates to provide high quality services, enhancing customer oriented performances and constantly searching for better and new ways of doing the jobs successfully. Circumstances make it mandatory for organizations to meeting these objectives against all odds in the face of a shrinking workforce and the global environment in which employees hail from diverse and multicultural backgrounds located across different parts of the globe. Even the routine and conventional tasks maintaining records of employees and regulatory and legal compliance have become increasingly geometrically intensified. In other words systems and operations in organizations have become more complicated and this consequently demands more sophis ticated technology applications which go much further beyond the conventional tasks of improving the routine task activities. Managers have their own stake in exploiting information technology for furthering and bettering human resource management. However, various managers have different views regarding the effectiveness of use of IT in human resource

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gospel Essentials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gospel Essentials - Essay Example In the previous epochs He was thought to be the center of the Universe and literally everything was revolving around Him. With this regard one should also dwell on some characteristics that are attributed to God Who is perceived as â€Å"a being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions† (God, 2011). Indeed, one of the major aspects that should be mentioned in particular is His perfection: no other being in the Universe can be as perfect. God is also regarded as the Creator of everything (DiVincenzo, 2012). It is quite obvious that everything that exists in the world was created by Him. Prior to the beginning of all things, nothing existed but God. The process of creation is explained in detailed in the book of Genesis. Keeping this in mind, one might ask a legitimate question: if everything was created by God, is evil, death, suffering and other negative aspects of life created by Him as well? According to free will theodicy, it was, but for the purpose of greater good. Speaking of human nature, one should note two important aspects. On the one hand, it must be said that just like all other beings, humans were created; however, â€Å"God created mankind in His own image† (Genesis 1:27). On the other hand, due because Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin, they could no longer live in Eden. There are many opinions about purpose of human life. While some people suggest that there is not distinct purpose since life should be perceived as the greatest gift that a person can receive, others point out that humans were created to praise the Lord. That is why the purpose of the human life is to love the Creator and follow the guidelines that were designed by Him. If people chose not to do so, this causes a considerable number of problems in their lives. Indeed, when humans forget about God and focus on the visible world, with all its

Monday, July 22, 2019

Roles and Responsibility in Lifelong Learning Essay Example for Free

Roles and Responsibility in Lifelong Learning Essay In the course of my research, I discovered that the teaching profession, like many other professions is being guided by a set of legislations, which can also be referred to as the code of conduct for the teaching profession. This set of legislations has been put in place for the effective management of teachers. These legislations guide the roles and responsibilities of us teachers. WHAT ARE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Chambers Combined Dictionaries defined role as ‘a part played in life, the function of a person or thing’. With the in-depth understanding that my role as teacher exceed just teaching in the class room, I have come to appreciate the key legislations that guides the teaching profession. My role as a teacher requires me amongst other titles to be a guardian, an instructor, a director. The key aspects of legislation and regulations that that guides the teaching profession in England are, but to not limit to: I being a teacher must have an in-depth knowledge of the subject that I teach in other to be confident in transferring it to my students. As a teacher, I must posses the ability to Plan, Prepare, Deliver and also Assess the student. This is to aid the subject understanding or academic development of the student. (Dept for Education May 2012).[1] From my understanding the course of planning and preparing would also create some form of enthusiasm from me (the teacher) towards the subject that I teach and my job in general. The law demands that I am fair towards every single student that I am responsible for and I also treat my student with respect no matter their culture, ethnic background, religious belief, sexual orientation and political view, ability or dis-ability. (Equality Act 2010). In all educational setting a teacher is expected to practice the inclusive method of teaching, as by so doing, no student or group of student feels pigeonholed. Having said that, the code of practice expect me not to be incognisance of the fact that there are different theories of learning. As a good teacher I need to have detailed understanding of these theories and when to apply them. I should be able to set high standard, motivate and inspire my students. Keep detailed record of learner’s activities, assessment and progress. The ministry of Education ‘‘demands that I should be trained and prepared to address the daily challenges that is been exhibited by different students In the learning centre’’. Remarkably Dr S.Wallace has enlightened teachers and student teachers on challenging behaviour in the lifelong learning sector and how to deal with it. (S.Wallace. 2007 p.1)[2]. Finally all teachers must are to ensure their continual professional development (CPD). B: AN ANALYSIS OF BOUNDARIES IN THE TEACHING PROFFESSION Professionalism demands that boundaries be set between a service provider and his or her client, in this case between the teacher and the leaner. In the education sector it is the duty of the teacher and the school authority to set out these boundaries for both staff and learners, but it is the express duty of the teacher to ensure that these boundaries are established because we are in most cases the only contact the learners make in the learning centre for a given period of time These boundaries define the effective and appropriate relationship between the teacher and the learners. Teachers are to ensure that they dress appropriately to the learning centre. Firstly, due to the popular ‘saying dress the way you want to be addressed’. Secondly the teaching role makes the teacher a role model as well and the impression they make on the learner has a huge impact on the learner’s life. (Kyriacou 2001)[3] Teachers are to ensure that they do not enter into any personal relationship with the learners, be it in the further education setting or otherwise. Personal relationship may lead to favouritism and erode the teacher’s sense of good judgement. We teacher are not to give our personal information to the students and these include personal telephone number and addresses and we are to at no time entertain our students in our home. Teachers are to use good or appropriate language at all times. Also teacher are to be cautious of their physical contact that they make with students. Depending on the setting were they are, it would be advisable for no physical contact to be made except in emergencies or for health and safety reasons. For the purpose of this research I think it would also be ideal for teacher to always evaluate the circumstances that they are in and how the set boundaries are affecting any particular situation or student. C: A REVIEW OF POINTS OF REFFERAL TO MEET THE NEEDS OF LEARNERS Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning, appropriate to their needs and circumstances in a safe and healthy environment’. (Success for All, DES 2002)[4] At the point of referral it is imperative that initial assessment is carried out for the school authority to know of any risk or support plan that need to set up for the learners. It could be that some learner requires the support of a teaching assistant. It might be a case whereby the learner requires an assistive technology to make learning easier for the individual. Take for instance, I have student in my class who is having an issue of drug and alcohol addiction or misuse, I would have a discussion with the learner, with his or her permission and the school authority’s a the learner would be referred to agency who helps people with drug and alcohol problem, i.e The National Treatment Agency For Substance Misuse run by the NHS or any other available agency dealing with drugs and and alcohol misuse. The therapy that such a student receives from this referral impacts greatly on the learners study and life in general, which then create some sense of satisfaction to me as a teacher, knowing that I have fulfilled my role not just as a teacher but also as a mentor D: AN EXPLANATION OF HOW TO PROMOTE APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS In every organisation and learning environment it is important for some ground rules to be set by management and for the purpose of this research, teacher. These ground rules create orderliness in the learning centre and mutual respect from both learners to teachers and amongst learners themselves. These ground rules as to start from the teacher. The teacher is to first ensure that he is not late for class as this could give room to student to get dis-engaged even before the start of the lesson. Teachers should arrive early to create a conducive and supportive learning environment for the students. This would enable the students to settle down to work or study upon their arrival to class. Teachers are to ensure that there is a clear guide about the day’s lesson because ‘’ it has been recognised that students like to know the confines within which they are expected to work’(Ann Gravell 3rd Edition).[5] Create a settling in activity that engages every learner in the class room i.e a quiz or a timed group work, this way, every student gets involved in the lesson for the day. There should be a clear communication network from the teacher to the learners. There should be fairness and equal praise or discipline of the learner so there is no case of favouritism which can lead to disorderliness in class. References Gravells,A. (2008) Preparing to teach in the life long learning sector. Third edition. Learning Matters. London, Sage publication. Kyriacou.C (2001) Essential Teaching Skill. 3rd Edition. Cheltenham, united kingdom. Nelson Thornes Limited Wallace S (2007). Managing Behavior in the LifeLong Learning Sector. 2nd Edition. Exeter, England. Learning Matters. P.1 Ministry of Education, (2012) Dept For Education and Special Needs. Teacher’s Standard. England.